Sea kayak



  • Season opening on the North Line: The stretch from Klostermølle to Fladbro near Randers is open for sailing from 1 April to 30 September.
  • Season opening on the South Line: On the southern part of Gudenåen, between Tørring and Klostermølle, sailing is only permitted from 16 June each year - so sailing is open from 16 June to 30 September.
  • Booking: Book your trip on this page or contact us by phone: +45 75 80 13 01.

Prices for tours starting on the northern part of Gudenåen
- Can be booked between 1 April - 30 September

- starting from: Klostermølle, Gammel Rye, Emborg Bro, Holmens Camping & Ry

If you want to start further north at one of these locations: Ludvigslyst, Skyttehusets Outdoorcamp, De Små Fisk, Indelukket, Silkeborg Havn, Silkeborg Langsø Øst, Sminge, Svostrup Kro, Søhøjlandets Camping, Kongensbro, Ans, Tangeværket / Energimuseet, Bjerringbro, Ulstrup / Dannebrogpladsen and Langå, you must book through Silkeborg Kanocenter.

Prices for tours starting on the southern part of Gudenåen
- Can be booked between 16 June - 30 September

- starting from: Tørring, Åle, Åstedbro, Gudenå Camping, Vestbirk and Voervadsbro

Number of days: Season:
16/6 - 30/9
1 day 550 kr.
2 days 800 kr.
3 days 1,100 kr.
4 days 1,300 kr.
5 days 1,500 kr.
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