Start & End locations

Start & End locations

When you start the Canoe or Kayak tour

Unless otherwise agreed, canoes and kayaks will be ready at the agreed starting point from 9:00 am on the start date.

The ordered canoes/kayaks will be assembled with the bottom up and equipped with a plastic pocket containing:

  • A handover slip with the tenant's name and relevant information.
  • A map of the Gudenås system.

Under the canoes/kayaks you'll find bags with life jackets and paddles packed according to your booking. Any additional equipment you may have purchased will also be located here.

When you end the Canoe or Kayak tour

It is important that the canoe/kayak is delivered to the agreed end point by the following times:

  • 16:00 on the end date, unless otherwise agreed.
  • At the Port of Silkeborg, special end times apply:
    • Low season (1/4-15/6 and 16/8-30/9): 17:00 at the latest.
    • High season (16/6-15/8): No later than 20:00.
  • At Åle Teltplads, Åstedbro Teltplads and Gudenå Camping: By 17:00 at the latest.

Once you're safely ashore, please call us on the phone number on the delivery slip so we know that both you and your canoe/kayak have arrived.

Leave the canoe/kayak as you found it, with the bottom up and all equipment placed under it. To avoid theft, it is recommended to bring paddles, life jackets and possibly extra seats to your tent, shelter or cabin if you are staying overnight along the way.

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