Sailing info
On this page you will find a complete description of sailing on the entire Gudenåen, from Tørring to Randers. We have gathered the entire trip description in one document, which we call Sejladsinfo.
The sailing info is divided into sections, making it easy to find exactly the stretch you want to read more about. There is a specific description of the facilities at all the sites along the entire Gudenåen, so you can easily choose which of the many tent sites, campsites and rest areas you want to stay at during your canoe or kayak trip.
You can also read about the many sights you'll pass by when sailing on the Gudenåen, with everything from explanations about wildlife and historical events, to information about museums, places to eat and city life.
It's always a good idea to read about the route you want to sail before your canoe or kayak trip so you can plan your trip in the best possible way. On all our tours in the booking system, we have added Sailing Info as a document you can click on and read about the tour you have chosen. When your booking is complete, your order confirmation will also contain a link to Sailing Info. This means that you always have all the information available about the route of your next canoe or kayak trip and can easily print out the description from home or find it on your mobile or tablet during your trip.
We've added a link to Sailing info just below, as well as a link to a map of Gudenåen, so you can easily find out where the various locations and sights along Gudenåen are.