Tørring canoe hire & canoeing

v/ Nynne and Karsten Kristiansen.

Aagade 31, 7160 Tørring, Denmark

CVR. DK 26469988
Bank: Nykredit
Account no.: 8117 0001830540

Opening hours

Canoeing: 1 April - 30 September.
Phone: all year round from 9.00 - 17.00

Tørring canoe hire & canoeing

v/ Nynne and Karsten Kristiansen.

Aagade 31, 7160 Tørring, Denmark

CVR. DK 26469988
Bank: Nykredit
Account no.: 8117 0004970688

Opening hours

Canoeing: 1 April - 30 September.
Phone: all year round from 9.00 - 17.00

Tørring canoe hire & canoeing

v/ Nynne and Karsten Kristiansen.

Aagade 31, 7160 Tørring, Denmark

CVR. DK 26469988
Bank: Nykredit
Account no.: 8117 0004970688

Opening hours

Canoeing: 1 April - 30 September.
Phone: all year round from 9.00 - 17.00


"I look forward to helping you with questions, good advice and tips - before, during and after your trip on the Gudenåen."

- Nynne


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