Bolundvej 4, 8740 Brædstrup
Tel. +45 75 76 30 70
At the accommodation there are: toilet – shower – water – kitchen – fire pit – table/bench set – covered dining area – electricity – shop – cafeteria – playground – pool
Bolundvej 4, 8740 Brædstrup
Tel. +45 75 76 30 70
At the accommodation there are: toilet – shower – water – kitchen – fire pit – table/bench set – covered dining area – electricity – shop – cafeteria – playground – pool
Pris: 5% af den samlede pris (dog min. 50,00 DKK)
*Beløbet for den tilkøbte afbestillingsmulighed tilbagebetales ikke.
Bemærk at I altid kan ændre i jeres booking efter gennemført betaling ved at kontakte os via mail eller telefon.
Evt. tilvalgt ekstraudstyr tilbagebetales altid med det fulde beløb.
Here you need to select the number of Canoes/Kayaks - number of days you want to sail - start and end location.
Book accommodation by visiting each property, checking available dates and tents.
Go to the shopping cart and confirm that everything is as desired, then complete the payment.