Opening hours


Opening hours

Canoe and kayak sailing starting on the northern part of Gudenåen: April 1 - September 30.

Starting points on the north route:

  • Klostermølle
  • Gammel Rye Teltplads
  • Emborg Bro
  • Holmens Camping
  • Ry / Skimminghøj Teltplads

Canoeing and kayaking starting on the southern part of Gudenåen: June 16 - September 30.

Starting points on the south route:

  • Tørring
  • Åle Teltplads
  • Åstedbro Teltplads
  • Gudenå Camping
  • Vestbirk Camping
  • Gammel Rye Teltplads
  • Holmens Camping

"Contact us all year round - we're on the phone every day from 9:00 to 17:00 to help you with questions and booking."

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