Link to great experiences
Our list of local attractions, transport accommodations, etc.
Bus route 215 Vejle to Tørring -. Bus for a canoe trip on Gudenåen
Bus route 114 Horsens to Tørring -. Bus for a canoe trip on Gudenåen Bus route 215 Silkeborg to Tørring - Denmark Bus to Canoe trip on Gudenåen Train Ry to Silkeborg Train for the return journey from your canoe holiday. Taxi in Hedensted 70 21 09 09 09 Taxi in Ry 86 51 00 00 00 Taxi in Skanderborg 86 51 00 00 00 Taxi in Silkeborg 86 80 60 60 60 Overnight accommodation in Tørring, DenmarkTørring Camping, just opposite Tørring Kanoudlejning There will be many events on site throughout the summer. Stay tuned on the site. Good shopping opportunities in Tørring - Superbrugsen - Netto - ABC Pappa´s Pizza - 75801767Shopping in Voervadsbro and the small smokehouse Incredibly delicious eatery Shopping opportunity in Voervadsbro- Great place to buy local specialities to take on your canoe trip.
Come to Tørring the day before and experience some of the amazing things you can see in our neighbourhood
The source of Gudenåen:
Here, in the heart of Jutland, bounded by Tørring, Give and Nørre Snede, is a part of the Jutlandic ridge that offers varied nature experiences and a sense of history. The Gudenåen and Skjernåen rivers originate just a few hundred metres apart in the same valley at the watershed on the Jutlandic ridge. Close to the springs, the Hærvejen has been travelling for thousands of years and there are several burial mounds and other ancient traces. Close to the springs is Tinnet Krat, the country's largest oak forest, and the beautiful Rørbæk Lake.
Uldum Kær / Uldum
In close collaboration with landowners and Hedensted Municipality, the Ministry of the Environment at the Danish Forest and Nature Agency has carried out a major nature restoration project in Uldum Kær. Bridges, footpaths and cycle paths have been built through the fen, and a rest area for canoes, car parks, bird towers and tables and benches have been established.
The trails are signposted and information boards have been set up in the area.
Uldum Mill - Denmark's largest working Dutch gallery windmill.
Juelsminde offers a cosy environment with many exciting shops, cafés, craftsmen, restaurants and good fishing opportunities. You can also visit Juelsminde's beaches, which are very child-friendly and located as part of the town.
Juelsminde also has a modern marina located just 100 metres from the town's main street.
Whatever the season, you never have to be bored in Juelsminde.
It is also possible to use the small playgrounds that are located in connection
with the marina.
Take a day trip to Juelsminde:
Other areas
Hjortsvang Musum -The village museum in the village
Here you can see where to find great experiences and attractions in East Jutland.
You can also see other beautiful nature experiences on this page:
Amusement park and outdoor exhibition with houses, landmarks and landscapes from around the world built with LEGO bricks. The park contains different themed areas where you can experience DUPLO Land for small children, Pirate Land, Knights Kingdom, LEGO city and much more.
Legoland offers experiences and entertainment for the whole family and is perfect for a day of socialising.
Nordmarksvej 9
7190 Billund, Denmark
Tel. 75 33 13 33
Givskud Zoo Lion Park
Experience wild animals and nature areas at Givskud Zoo. You can get up close to the animals by walking around the safari park or by driving around the large areas where the animals roam wild. Givskud Zoo has up to 80 different animal species, with the lions being a particular attraction. Here you can drive a car or bus inside the lions and be lucky enough to experience them up close. The lion park is a sure hit with the kids.
Løveparkvej 3, Givskud
7323 Give
Tel. 75 73 02 22