Favourite day trips

Sailing period 1 April to 30 September

Experience Gudenåen from Silkeborg - Sail at your own pace!

Take an unforgettable canoe trip from Silkeborg, either travelling out and back at your own pace or choosing a beautiful route north and returning the canoe at Sminge, Svostrup Kro or Kongensbro.

Our friendly and competent staff are ready with advice and guidance to send you on your way from Silkeborg Harbour. From here you can sail out onto the Silkeborg Lakes and experience, for example, Avnsø, Slåensø, Paradisøerne and Himmelbjerget - all surrounded by beautiful nature and cosy restaurants along the route.

On the trip north, you'll sail through Kammerslusen, experience the birdlife at Sminge Lake and enjoy a meal at Svostrup Kro or spend the night at Kongensbro Teltplads. The trip can be customised in length, so you decide the pace yourself.

Book your trip through Silkeborg Canoe Centre and experience Gudenåen from the water!


Tørring - Åle/Åstedbro/Gudenå Camping

Period: 16 June - 30 September
Sailing time: 3/4/6 hours and 10/14/21 km


Eel - Gudenå Camping, Vestbirk Camping

Period: 16 June - 30 September
Sailing time: 3/5 hours and 11/18 km

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