Favourite Multi-day tours

Start in Tørring or Åle

Sailing season: 16 June to 30 September


3-day tour of 40 km

Start location: Tørring Canoe Rental
1. overnight stay: Åstedbro Campsite
2nd overnight stay: Vestbirk Camping
End location: Klostermølle


3-day tour of 51 km

Start location: Tørring Canoe Rental
1. overnight stay: Gudenå Camping
2nd overnight stay: Klostermølle
End location: Ry / Skimminghøj Campsite


4-day tour of 51 km

Start location: Tørring Canoe Rental
1. overnight stay: Åstedbro Teltplads or Gudenå Camping
2nd overnight stay: Vestbirk Camping or Voervadsbro Teltplads
3. overnight stay: Klostermølle Tent pitch (free) or Gammel Rye Teltplads
End location: Ry / Skimminghøj Campsite


5-day tour of 70 km

Start location: Tørring Canoe Rental
1. overnight stay: Åstedbro Teltplads or Gudenå Camping
2nd overnight stay: Vestbirk Camping or Voervadsbro Teltplads
3. overnight stay: Gammel Rye Teltplads or Holmens Camping
4. overnight stay: Skyttehusets Outdoor Camp or De Små Fisk Teltplads (free of charge)
End location: Silkeborg Harbour / Silkeborg Canoe Centre

Start in Åle

Sailing season: 16 June to 30 September


2-day tour of 40 km

Start location: Drying ring
1. overnight stay: Gudenå Camping
End location: Klostermølle


2-day tour of 30 km

Start location: Åle Campsite
1. overnight stay: Gudenå Camping or Vestbirk Camping
End location: Klostermølle

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